an error has occured (^1) -20000 it has not been updated to work with DarkSide 4.0 -5501 it requires a color Macintosh -201 the application or file has been damaged -192 the server is not available -5016 there was not enough memory -108 that file is locked and cannot be written to -54 that file already exists -48 that file is already open by someone else -47 you do not have permission to write to that disk -46 that file is locked -45 that disk is locked -44 a needed file was missing -43 you have too many files open at once -42 the file has been damaged -39 a needed file couldn't be opened -38 the file has been damaged -36 the folder or disk couldn't be found -35 the disk is full -34 the disk has too many files on it -33 it requires System 7.0 or greater 1 0